Staff Email Access - Internal Use Only
Aventura City of Excellence School (ACES) provides email and Internet access to its employees for business purposes. All email messages are the property of ACES and should not be considered private. In addition, all information generated and disseminated by email may be available for public access under the Florida Public Records Law. Employees are expected to use the Internet in support of organizational objectives and be consistent with the mission of ACES.
For access, click envelope:
Prohibited Uses
The following uses of the ACES email system and Internet access are prohibited and subject the employee to disciplinary action up to discharge depending on the severity of the violation:
- Use of the email system and/or Internet to compromise the integrity of ACES and its business.
- Use of the email system to send chain letters.
- Use of the email system and/or Internet for political endorsements.
- Use of the email system and/or Internet resulting in or relating to personal gain or for profit enterprise or commercial use.
- Extensive use of Internet resources for personal use.
- Intentional use of email and/or the Internet to access, transmit or process obscene material, inappropriate text, graphic files, sexual, racial, or ethnic, religious, violent or harassing communications.
- Use of the email system to send messages or visit Internet sites containing offensive, abusive, threatening or other language deemed inappropriate.
- Use of the email system to send messages or visit Internet sites that violate the City of Aventura's Sexual Harassment Policy..