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Volunteer Information

Getting involved in your child's school benefits everyone... including your child. According to the National PTA, children of involved parents generally achieve more with higher grades, greater motivation and better self esteem. 

  • Parents are required to volunteer 20 hours per year and 30 hours if they have two or more children at ACES.
  • Hours can be earned through Daily Help, Planned Events or Long Term and by attending monthly Parent Workshops offered during the year.
  • There are so many ways to help with fundraisers, events & special projects.


Sign Up Online to be a Volunteer

Signing up is easy. Click the image below and sign up at signup.com.

Free SignUp sheets and volunteer scheduling

Charter Schools USA Online Training Modules

Before registering, please download the parent letter and registration instructions.Charter Schools USA requires completion of three (3) online training modules in order to volunteer at ACES. This certification can be used to voluneer at ACES or any Charter Schools USA campus.

Registration link: https://charterschoolsusa-chartersafe.safeschools.com/register

How to Submit Volunteer Hours

Pick up and fill out a form and get the form signed by an authorized ACES staff member. To receive credit for the hours you serve, you will be required to:

  • Turn in the white copy(signed) at the school front desk.
  • Retain the yellow copy for your records as it will serve as proof of the volunteer hours served.
  • There will be a sign-in sheet at the front door at most school wide events.  It is your responsibility to sign-in at the school wide event and turn in the completed, signed volunteer form as mentioned above.

Ways to Volunteer

  • Daily volunteer help is needed; Tasks include, but may not be limited to: Morning Car Duty, Assistance with Bulletin Boards, Lost and Found Organization, etc.
  • Parent Workshops are scheduled twice a month. Families are encouraged to join these valuable workshops and learn ways to help their children. 
  • Amazon Wishlist created to provide a list of items ACES needs throughout the school. This wishlist is different from the indivual classroom teacher wishlist. Please note: when donating items from the wish list, YOU MUST include your name and your child's name on the donation.

Special Events: Below is a list of volunteer Opportunities for Special Events. Please note that these opportunities are limited in space and only those parents that have completed the Safe Schools Training will be permitted on campus.